

To Create 3 Months of Consistent, Compelling and
Strategic Content in just 2 Hours (Without
Redbull or Espresso Shots)


With this System, you will have 3 months of
content planned out in just a few hours.


This system is for you if . . .

  • You aren’t CONSISTENT with your content…or not as consistent as you’d like to be.

  • Sometimes you struggle with what to write or what to say.

  • Other times, inspiration hits you so hard you can’t type fast enough to keep up with the stuff in your head.

  • You still get stuck because you aren’t sure where should you post this stuff.  And when? How often?

  • For the most part, you haven’t planned much in advance.

  • You’re always looking to fill up your Hoot Suite or Buffer and producing content with no real thought to how that content aligns with your business goals.

  • Your content doesn’t have a strong LINK to the products or services you offer.


The Front Row CEO Content Planning System has helped hundreds of frustrated content creators and entrepreneurs just like you:


“With 3-months worth of content, I’m confident that I’m able to get up every day and open my calendar and there is my content – whether I have put it in my scheduler or I need to do a Facebook Live on that day, I know exactly what the topic is. That’s always been something really hard for me and with this system, it just makes it so much easier. I’m just on fire because of this!”

“A content strategy is a plan for building an audience by publishing, maintaining, and spreading frequent and consistent content that educates, entertains, or inspires to turn strangers into fans and fans into customers”

Front Row CEOs know that content is the
engine that powers their business…

Jen Lehner is a digital marketing and system strategist, founder of the FRONT Row VIP mastermind and FRONT Row CEO, and an adjunct professor of digital marketing at Cleveland State University.

Jen Lehner is a digital marketing and system strategist, founder of the FRONT Row VIP mastermind and FRONT Row CEO, and an adjunct professor of digital marketing at Cleveland State University.


…they have a system to create consistent, engaging content that brings in leads, grows their audience and drives sales…

But for longer than I care to admit, I was NOT a Front Row CEO.

I did manage to create good content from time to time, but it was definitely hit or miss, and it certainly was NOT consistent.

I downloaded every guide, checklist and PDF on the internet to try and find a way to crack the code to create consistent, non-crappy, engaging content.

Until I realized the secret…was putting it down on PAPER in a very specific turnkey process.

Turns out, the power of PAPER
combined with this system was
EXACTLY what I needed to get ALL
my content done.

…every single week I knew that one anchor piece of content would be published, and from that, all of my other posts would be born…

… and each of these posts would be aligned with my business goals for that month or quarter

… and I knew exactly what platforms to post on and when…

… and that the content would be something my audience would love.


And my friends and colleagues started to notice.

“Hey, loved your post the other day!”

“I’m seeing you everywhere, things must be taking off!”

That’s when I knew I had something special.

I continued to tweak the system until I nailed it…

And then I shared it with my friends, colleagues, and eventually, my private Front Row VIP community.

I’ve walked creators just like you through the system online and in real life,

And people went nuts for it!

So now I’m sharing this beautiful big blue book with you!


Peek Inside

Content Planning System


The Basics