
"HOW TO plan A SUCCESSFUL LIVE EVENT" with rich brooks

Rich Brooks.png

Today’s guest is Rich Brooks, Founder and President of Flyte New Media, a digital marketing agency that’s been around for over 20 years. He’s a nationally recognized speaker on entrepreneurship, digital marketing and social media.

He founded the Agents of Change, and annual conference as well as a weekly podcast that focuses on search, social and mobile marketing.

Today, we’re talking about live events. We talk about the benefits of being part of them, and why it’s helpful to host your own. Rich has great tips for anyone who is thinking about doing live events (of any size) as a part of their marketing.


Rich shared some great tips including:

  • One of the key benefits of speaking at a live event has to do with the audience and Rich shares how to make that work for everyone.

  • Hosting a live event is a difference-maker and will set you apart from your peers and competition.

  • Elevate your brand and set yourself apart from your competition. The key is getting in front of the right people.

  • Speakers, sponsors and seats. The keys to a successful event.

  • How to choose speakers that will enhance your event.

  • Do you need sponsors? How to decide and how to position your sponsor request.

  • How to secure brand sponsorships that will help your conference and how to provide value for your sponsors.

  • The indicator to a successful event – it’s not about money or size.

  • How do you make sure that the conference doesn’t take over your agency? How do you get balance around the day to day and the big event?

  • How do you market the conference and fill the seats? (So much good info here – strategy and how-to included!)

  • Rich shares his philosophy about the size of his event and the future for Agents of Change.

  • During event digital marketing ideas and incentives for attendees who participate and help keep the conversation going.

  • Post-conference ideas that become part of marketing the next year’s conference. Tons of great ideas here!

  • You should do a live event because _____. Rich shares his personal insights and the reason why you can benefit from hosting a live event of any size.

Connect with Rich:

Agency website

Conference website

Agents of Change Conference Discount for Front Row podcast listerners:

$25 off any ticket: code frontrow 

Mentioned in the podcast:
