
What Kind of CEO are You?

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What Kind of Entrepreneur Are You?

I recorded this episode with you in mind. After working in the entrepreneurial and online marketing space for several years I recognized a pattern. First in my own business, and then with clients. No matter what type of business, or what field of expertise I saw the same struggles.

Do any of these feel familiar to you?

  • You are the queen of doing it all. You aren’t afraid to learn new things and put yourself out there. This was me until I got a wake-up call.

  • You are successful but swamped. You can’t take on one more thing. Growing the business means more of you and there’s nothing left to give.

  • Maybe your business is a series of on again/off again cycles. How do you find the way to a regular sustained income? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing anymore.

Are you a solopreneur or a CEO?

What’s the difference? I’m breaking that down and explaining how you really can stop the cycle of overwhelm. No more doing it all. What would it feel like to have a true partner who has your back?

My team (I love saying I have a team!) and I figured out how you can find the exact right person (or people) that will help you get back to the work only you can do.

Find out why I know this will work for you. Not in theory, not in the hazy some day future. Right now.


How to Know When It’s Time to Hire

FREE MASTERCLASS: Solopreneur to CEO Secrets