
Content Marketing

3 Files Every Entrepreneur Needs For Success (and my most embarrassing moment)

3 Files Every Entrepreneur Needs For Success (and my most embarrassing moment)

This is a really short episode, and I think you'll enjoy it.

In less than 12 minutes I was able to squeeze in:

➡︎ The 3 most important files you need to have in your business

➡︎ How to use those files for maximum efficiency

➡︎ And one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

Launching and What’s Working Now with Mel Pharr

Launching and What’s Working Now with Mel Pharr

We’ve got the online business guru on the podcast today. My friend Mel Pharr joined me. She can talk all aspects of online marketing but in today’s conversation we focused on launches. Particularly launching online group programs and/or courses. She didn’t hold back. Listen for the absolute gold from a 7-figure business owner.

How to Create Content When You are Stuck

How to Create Content When You are Stuck

In the world of blogging, content marketing, and online entrepreneurship, sometimes one of the biggest challenges we face is trying to figure out WHAT TO TALK ABOUT. I know I’m not the only one who has spent the better part of a morning staring at a blinking cursor on a computer screen and feeling discouraged. It happens. When I’m really stuck, I have a go-to list of exercises and resources and I’m going to share those with you today.