
Why This Should be Your Word of the Year!

This podcast was originally a livestream on Facebook. I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you do too. This is much shorter than the full livestream which you can see here

It’s all about your word(s) for 2020. I recommend adding this to your word (or words) as well. It’s going to make the rest of your words mean that much more! 

The word: Consistent 

I share: 

  • Why 2019 was a break-through year for me because of consistency. 

  • How it can help and why it’s not about being perfect. It’s about showing up.

  • The reason that consistency brings exponential growth. 

  • The way consistency created momentum and confidence. 

  • How one simple act of consistency helped me be healthier.

  • An honest conversation about creating content consistently. 

  • A Quora content idea that you can use to position yourself as the go-to expert in your field. In less than 10 minutes a day. 

  • Why I think starting small is the way to get massive results.

  • A new super-power than everyone can own. 

  • Why adding something works better to grow your consistency muscle.

  • The power of having consistent offers in your business. 

What can you commit to creating consistently this year? 

Consistency is the thing that unlocks the magic

The Benefits of Streaming Live From Your Personal Facebook Profile

The Benefits of Streaming Live From Your Personal Facebook Profile

Live streaming on Facebook is a wonderful way to connect with your audience.  But when we stream from our business pages, it is 100% public.

Streaming from your personal profile allows you to live stream for a very specific audience.  

Before you can do this, you need to create a few lists.

This video shows you how to do that.

Next, click on the "post" icon, pictured below:


Next, choose the audience that you want to reach with your broadcast.

facebook live 2

Give your broadcast a good title; make people curious.

Facebook live 3

Once you are live, find your self on your laptop, desktop, or second device and click "share". One caveat: if you want to share from your personal profile to other places, only the people who are the original list will be able to see it elsewhere, so you may at that point want to change the privacy settings to "public".

Facebook Live 4

Notice the options! So cool, right? You can share into a group (OR MORE THAN ONE), AND you can share to one (OR MORE) Facebook pages that you manage. HOW COOL IS THAT?

Facebook Live 5

In the image below, I am streaming live in my Facebook group, The Front Row.


...and here I am simultaneously streaming to my business page. (Mustache added to mask goofy/unflattering grimace.) :) 

Facebook Live 7

In summary, the main benefit from streaming from your Facebook profile is that you can select exactly who you want to see it. This is great if you only want existing clients, for example, to see what you are posting. Or maybe you want everyone EXCEPT existing clients to see. The possibilities are numerous. How will you use this feature?