
AI as Your Thought Partner



In this episode, I’m doing something a little different. It’s a short, seven-minute deep dive into how AI can act as your thought partner in business—going way beyond just task automation. You’ll hear a fascinating conversation discussing how AI can enhance visionary thinking, data analysis, and marketing strategies.

But there's a twist. It's a short episode so stay til the end as I share something that will absolutely blow your mind!🤯

I always love hearing from you. If you have any questions about this episode, comment below or DM me on Instagram @jen_lehner


Slide deck




[00:00:00.000] - Gary Vaynerchuk Hey, guys It's Gary Vaynerchuk. You're listening to the Front Row, entrepreneur podcast with our girl, Jen.

[00:00:10.530] - Jen Lehner Oh, my goodness. I am so excited about today's episode. I'm doing something a little bit different. It's a super short episode. It's a little over seven minutes. I recently had the opportunity to listen in on a panel with two of the smartest folks that you'll find out there as it relates to AI in your business. It's Josh Chapman and Cindy Beckett. They are talking about using AI as a thought partner in your business. So please listen to the the whole thing. Again, It's only seven minutes. They talk about AI in a way that is really easy to understand. I think you're going to have a lot of light bulb moments. Then make sure and listen all the way through because at the end, I'm going to blow your mind.


[00:00:58.280] - Josh All right. Ready to We dive into some cool stuff about AI. Today, we're all about AI as a thought partner. We've got these presentation slides, and they're going to help us unpack this whole idea.

[00:01:11.220] - Cindy It's exciting stuff going way beyond just asking a chatbot to- Write you a poem or something. Exactly. More like, how do we actually use AI to unlock those next-level ideas?

[00:01:22.820] - Josh Yes, the visionary ideas. Exactly. That's what I love about these slides. Right from the start, they're like, you, you're the visionary. It's about you.

[00:01:31.670] - Josh Yeah.

[00:01:32.160] - Josh Speaking right to that ambition.

[00:01:34.900] - Cindy It's framing it as AI becoming an extension of you. Not just- That's a tool you use. Yeah, not just a tool. It's like- It's right of your thinking. It's amplifying your ability to think in ways you haven't even thought of before.

[00:01:47.530] - Josh Ai is this partner who can see further down the road than you can. Exactly. These slides break it down into four roles for a visionary: thought partner, assistant, data analysis, and marketing. It's a good list. It's a good list. I'm thinking thought partner. That's the juicy one.

[00:02:05.330] - Cindy Yeah, they put that first for a reason.

[00:02:07.270] - Josh Okay, but before we get ahead of ourselves, let's do a quick rundown on what each of these roles looks like for a visionary. Love it. Starting with the assistant.

[00:02:15.740] - Cindy Sure.

[00:02:16.420] - Josh Which feels, I don't know, self-explanatory.

[00:02:18.950] - Cindy Right.

[00:02:20.440] - Josh But I bet there's more to it.

[00:02:21.730] - Cindy There is. We know AI can handle tasks. Right. But for a visionary, it's not just about- Claring your inbox.

[00:02:28.730] - Cindy Yeah.

[00:02:29.860] - Cindy It's about freeing up mental space, the stuff that usually gets taken up by Scheduling research. Yeah, all of it. You can focus on the big picture.

[00:02:37.540] - Josh It's like having an army of supervision interns who never sleep. There you go. Okay. Maybe a bit dramatic, but you get the idea. I like it. Now, how about data analysis? Everyone's drowning in data these days.

[00:02:50.800] - Cindy It's overwhelming. It really is. But imagine using AI to not just analyze it.

[00:02:56.450] - Josh To make sense of it.

[00:02:57.330] - Cindy Yes. To tell you the story that's hidden in the data. It can see the trends, the patterns. Exactly. That gives you the insight to make those big strategic decisions.

[00:03:07.790] - Josh It's like having a secret weapon for decoding the future.

[00:03:10.870] - Cindy I like that.

[00:03:11.910] - Josh We got to talk about marketing.

[00:03:13.480] - Cindy Of course. Huge for visionary.

[00:03:16.000] - Josh Ai is everywhere in marketing now.

[00:03:17.870] - Cindy It is, but it's not just about coming up with a catchy slogan. It's about using AI to really get your audience, like anticipating what they need.

[00:03:26.890] - Josh Before they even know it.

[00:03:28.270] - Cindy Yes. Crafting That's a message that truly connects.

[00:03:32.260] - Josh Having a sixth sense for what people want. Powerful stuff. Okay, but let's circle back to AI as thought partner for a second. The big one. The slide literally shows a robot holding a light bulb. Classic. But we're talking way bigger than just brainstorming here, right? Absolutely.

[00:03:48.850] - Cindy This isn't about a chatbot throwing ideas at you. Right. This is about AI challenging how you think at the deepest level.

[00:03:57.490] - Josh Okay, now you've got my attention.

[00:03:59.550] - Cindy Challenging your assumptions. Visions.

[00:04:00.650] - Josh Break that down for me.

[00:04:02.010] - Cindy As visionaries, we all have our own experiences, and those become our perspective, which is great, but it can also create blind spots. I see. We get stuck in our own ways of seeing things.

[00:04:13.830] - Josh That's where AI comes in.

[00:04:15.430] - Cindy Exactly. It offers a different perspective.

[00:04:17.860] - Josh Because it's had different experiences.

[00:04:19.640] - Cindy It's not about experiences in the same way. It's more like it has access to so much information.

[00:04:25.770] - Josh It's like an outsider's perspective, but with super intelligence.

[00:04:30.360] - Cindy There you go. Fresh set of eyes, but these eyes have read everything, analyzed everything, and it can see the connections we miss.

[00:04:38.230] - Josh That's wild when you think about it.

[00:04:39.930] - Cindy It is, and it's not just about agreeing with us. Oh, really? It might actually disagree to push back on your ideas. It might help you see things differently. Exactly. Imagine you're stuck on a problem, right? Happens all the time. You've brainstormed with your team. You've tried everything.

[00:04:55.460] - Josh Been there.

[00:04:56.290] - Cindy Ai can come in, look at it purely from the data, and come up with solutions you never even considered.

[00:05:02.340] - Josh Solutions you wouldn't dream of.

[00:05:03.930] - Cindy Exactly. It's next-level problem-solving.

[00:05:06.620] - Josh Okay, this is blowing my mind.

[00:05:08.650] - Cindy On top of that, it's a sounding board.

[00:05:10.590] - Jen Lehner What? I can bounce ideas off of it? Yes.

[00:05:13.100] - Josh Talk through your strategy.

[00:05:14.160] - Josh No way. We can actually have conversations with AI now. Amazing. It actually understands what we're saying.

[00:05:19.260] - Cindy These AI models are incredibly nuanced.

[00:05:21.710] - Josh That is a game changer.

[00:05:22.930] - Cindy It is.

[00:05:24.160] - Josh But with all the different AI tools out there.

[00:05:27.610] - Cindy So many to choose from.

[00:05:28.780] - Josh How do we even know which ones What's the best for this thought partnership? Right. Well, our presentation actually has some answers for us. You laid it on me. There's this great slide with all these logos, ChatGPT, Poe, Perplexity, Talk to Claude.

[00:05:42.880] - Cindy It's like an AI Royal Rumbel. Right.

[00:05:45.400] - Josh They're all familiar names, but what makes each one good at this thought partnership thing?

[00:05:51.350] - Cindy Good question. Each one has its own strengths.

[00:05:55.100] - Josh I like where this is going. All right, lay it on me. Which one of these AI thought partners has the most brainpower?

[00:06:01.660] - Cindy Well, if we're talking pure knowledge, ChatGPT wins, hands down.

[00:06:05.920] - Josh Yeah, it's like ChatGPT has read every book ever written. Right.

[00:06:09.850] - Cindy Needs some fresh marketing ideas. Chatgpt can give you a rundown of what's worked before.

[00:06:15.010] - Josh And what hasn't.

[00:06:15.860] - Cindy Exactly. It can even suggest something totally new, something you'd never think of.

[00:06:20.060] - Josh It's true. Chatgpt always has an answer. Sometimes it takes a while to get there.

[00:06:24.210] - Cindy Yeah, it can be a little roundabout.

[00:06:26.320] - Josh But it gets there eventually. It does. Okay, now what about Poe? How How does it compare to ChatGPT?

[00:06:31.630] - Jen Lehner Poe is cool because it's not just one AI. It's like a whole bunch of different AIs all connected.

[00:06:36.540] - Josh Oh, interesting. It's like having a team of experts.

[00:06:39.310] - Cindy Exactly. Each with their own specialty. Need a captivating story? Poe's got an AI for that. Want to deep dive into some data. Poe's got you covered.

[00:06:49.190] - Josh So many options. I like it. Right. Okay, now, perplexity. I feel like perplexity doesn't get enough credit.

[00:06:56.750] - Cindy I agree.

[00:06:57.560] - Josh It has a superpower that none of the others have. What's that? It's a research machine.

[00:07:02.370] - Cindy Oh, totally. The other AIs, they mostly rely on what they already know.

[00:07:06.840] - Josh But perplexity actually goes out and finds new information. Yep.

[00:07:10.450] - Cindy It scours the internet, reads everything, and then tells you what's up.

[00:07:14.100] - Josh It gives you its sources This is right.

[00:07:15.360] - Cindy Exactly. You know you're getting accurate info.

[00:07:18.000] - Josh That's amazing. Having your own personal fact checker. So valuable. Okay, last but not least, we've got talk to Claude.

[00:07:25.030] - Cindy This one's interesting.

[00:07:26.140] - Josh It sounds so intriguing. Talk to Claude. That wants to have a conversation with me.

[00:07:29.820] - Cindy It does. More than any of the others, Claude is all about natural engaging conversations.

[00:07:37.880] - Josh You mean I can actually talk to it? Like a real back and forth?

[00:07:41.130] - Cindy Yeah, it's designed to feel like you're talking to a colleague.

[00:07:44.090] - Josh Wow. It's not just about giving commands or asking questions. It's about actually brainstorming together.

[00:07:50.320] - Cindy Precisely.

[00:07:51.500] - Josh This has been mind-blowing. We've covered so much about AI as a thought partner.

[00:07:55.410] - Cindy It's exciting stuff.

[00:07:56.590] - Josh I don't know about you, but I'm feeling so inspired right now.

[00:07:59.310] - Cindy Me too.

[00:08:00.190] - Josh But I bet some of our listeners are like, Okay, this is all great, but where do I even begin? How do I actually use these AI tools?

[00:08:07.410] - Cindy It's a great question. The answer is you got to experiment.

[00:08:10.730] - Josh Find what works for you.

[00:08:11.980] - Cindy Exactly. Play around with the different tools, see which ones spark your creativity.

[00:08:16.600] - Josh Which ones get you thinking differently.

[00:08:18.390] - Cindy Remember, you're still in charge.

[00:08:20.780] - Josh It's a partnership. Yes.

[00:08:22.090] - Cindy Ai is there to help you reach your full potential as a visionary.

[00:08:26.100] - Josh To create a future, we can only imagine right now. Exactly. Ai. Such a powerful thought. Thank you for joining us for this deep dive into the world of AI thought partnership. My pleasure. Then go out there and experiment. See what amazing things you can create with the power of AI.

[00:08:42.250] - Jen Lehner Okay. Wasn't that a great conversation? Well, I have some information for you, and you may have known this all along, especially with the provocative intro that I gave, but those weren't real people. That was AI. It took about three No, let me be conservative. It took about 25 seconds for me to generate that episode, and I really wasn't even intending to generate a podcast episode. Let me explain. I went over to long-time listener, Lou Bertone, and colleague and friend, sent me an email and he's like, Jen, have you been playing around with Google's Notebook LLM? Llm, standing for language model. I I was like, You know what? I haven't. I have taken a little bit of a break. I need to go check it out. I went over there. It's incredible. I highly recommend you go over to Google Notebook AI or LM. At first glance, it looks like a simple note-taking app. But what you can do is upload all sorts of different resources. You can upload a PDF, you can upload a link to a website, you can upload a video, you can upload a slide deck. What I did was, the easiest thing for me to do to play with this was to grab a slide deck that I have, and I'm going to put this in the show notes so you could see what we're working with.

[00:10:10.790] - Jen Lehner It was literally five slides that were mostly images that They were basically title slides. There was no copy, there were no notes in the slide. The title of the slide deck was, well, now I don't remember, but it was basically like, oh, yeah, Using AI as a thought partner in your business. That's all I had because I'm just messing around with it. I upload that five slides into the notebook. Then I notice this little button that says Create an audio review. I clicked that button, and what came out was the podcast that you just heard. I think there was an option. Honestly, I could not wait to get this published to tell you about it. I haven't even gone in to see all the options when you make an audio note. But I think you could choose how many people you want to talk. I could have made that just one person. I potentially could have made it both of them women or something. Not quite sure about that. But I didn't do anything. I just clicked the button that said auto-generate. What has got me so excited, I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight, is you got to see the slides they started with.

[00:11:24.270] - Jen Lehner Let me also say, I did do a presentation and video with these slides. I actually presented it both in my work world and I also did it in my role as a part-time professor at a business school. When I did that presentation, I pretty much said everything that these two folks said. I would say they actually did me... They actually, I think, especially as it relates to the way that they spoke of the differences of each of the AI tools that were I think they did a better job than I did. They really sounded so natural, the banter, the back and forth. It's really incredible. I couldn't wait to get this to you. Make sure you check it out because even if... Look, I'm not going to use this for podcasting. My podcast is always going to be me. But if you think about how this can fit into course creation, just the notebooks themselves, when you go and see all the tools that are laid out before you, you can, for example, create a FAQ from your notebook, a study guide, a table of contents, a timeline, a briefing document. Again, you get to lump all your resources in there.

[00:12:43.280] - Jen Lehner Maybe it's a couple of your blog posts, but then you also use a website that's in your industry, but it's not necessarily your website, but it's filled with a lot of research and information that you'd like to incorporate into some a piece of content or just to gain understanding and learning about something. So just go check it out. This is what it means to be a front row entrepreneur, you guys. It is staying on top of these incredible new tools and deploying them in our businesses. I'd love to hear what you think after you play with it. Send me a DM over on Instagram. It's Jen_lehner. Can't wait to hear from you. See you next time.