
Stress-Busting Strategies for the Busy Entrepreneur with Christa Biegler

Podcast 47_  Christa - Pinterest.png


I invited Christa Biegler to talk to us about stress and how to combat it. She breaks down the science behind the way our body reacts so we can better understand what to do. 

She explains that there are good and bad types of stress. Like so many things in life, the first step is acknowledging it and how it shows up. Changes in appetite and my (not normal) craving for sugar is not my fault. Seriously, Christa said so. 

Other things that can show up: 

  • Random body aches (it’s not just from sitting all the time) 

  • Headaches 

  • Brain fog and forgetfulness (like looking for the glasses that are on my head) 

  • Changes in sleep cycles or insomnia (she shared tons of info on the best way to get to sleep easily and the ability to wake up refreshed) 

She breaks down what happens in our bodies when we’re under (significant or unusual) stress and what will help.

  • Cortisol: it’s not always bad and she shares a great strategy to help you wake up feeling great (I’m trying this!) 

  • 4 Easy to change habits that will lead to better sleep

  • How to recognize the emotional impacts of stress (it’s not always what you think)

Christa walked me through 2 practices to increase our stress resilience. 2 or 3 minutes a day for a week can bring you moments of zen. Anyone can do these. Your body will thank you (and so will the other people in your house!) 

We also talk about immunity. With a global pandemic it’s never been more important to understand what impacts our immune system. Christa addresses 7 specific things you can do to help support your immunity. 

She gives a final piece of advice; start with the easiest piece first. Stress is part of life, but it doesn’t have to wreck your health or your peace of mind.


