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How to Make a Content Creation Assembly Line for Your Videos and Blog Posts

content creation assembly line for your video or blog post

In order to really grow an audience, it's so important to create good content, CONSISTENTLY. You want to become the go-to person in your niche. But creating good content, consistently is not exactly an easy proposition, right? This was a challenge for me, for sure. When I did create content, it was usually pretty good, but it was the consistency that I had trouble with. It might be months between vlogs or blog posts. Or even live streaming or posting on my Facebook business page. 

That's when I decided to create a system, and it's made all the difference.

Use this as a guide, but don't feel like you have to do every single thing I've mentioned. The gist of it all is this:

1. Batch your content (you create several videos or blog posts at one time)

2. Move each piece of content through a process. A content assembly line.

(Having a virtual assistant to help with this is a game changer, and I created a free mini-course on the topic here.)

My favorite place to create this assembly line is in Trello, and I've made a template for you


Thinking about my content creation systems like this is really a credit to Todd Herman, who is a genius performance coach. A year ago I signed up for his course, 90 Day Year and using his methods I was able to accomplish a year's worth of progress in 90 days. He's got great free videos here.

Make sure and grab the workbook and checklist below.




What are your biggest challenges with creating content consistently?