
What Kind of CEO Are You?

Ep 35 Podcast_ What Kind of CEO are You_ _ Pinterest.png

I recorded this episode with you in mind. After working in the entrepreneurial and online marketing space for several years I recognized a pattern. First in my own business, and then with clients. No matter what type of business, or what field of expertise I saw the same struggles. 

Are you a solopreneur or a CEO?

Are you the queen of doing it all? This was me at one point in my business. I’m sure you’ll see some similarities. 

Are you successful but stuck and feeling swamped? It’s more common that you might realize. I’m breaking that down as well. 

Maybe your business is a series of on again/off again cycles. How do you find the way to a regular sustained income? I’ve got the answer.

Why I know this will help you. 

Hire your VA. A professional who can become a partner in your business and help you grow. That’s the next step.

Listen to this episode and hear why this is the right time. There’s always a reason not to. Now let me explain why you should. 

My team (I love saying I have a team!) and I figured out how you can find the exact right person (or people) that will help you get back to the work only you can do. 

Find out why I know this will work for you. Not in theory, not in the hazy some day future. Right now. 


How to Know When It’s Time to Hire