“We’ve been worried about what other people think since day one.”
Susie Moore is the author of the recently published book "Stop Checking Your Likes: Shake Off the Need for Approval and Live an Incredible Life" and she walks the talk.
Susie has great insights on:
Screening the raves and critical reviews.
Not giving away our power to others.
Why rejection isn’t negative. I promise this will make sense when you hear how Susie explains it.
The story we make up is just that. A story we make up.
There’s no tapping out of opportunities; no one person or thing is defining.
Understanding the cause and effect of being stuck. (game-changer)
Using COVID as a reason to not do the scary thing. Susie has great advice that’s not what I expected.
Susie also shares some of the criticism she’s received for promoting her book during this time. It ties to a great section in the book about being defensive. In our podcast conversation, she breaks it down. I know you’ll find this helpful.
Hear Susie’s unique definition of confidence. I love it. It’s also connected to her love of cemeteries. Trust me, this all makes sense when you hear her explain it.
Checking Your Likes: Shake Off the Need for Approval and Live an Incredible Life